How to reduce your homeworking costs

Posted by: Jo Love
Category: News, Oxfordshire telecoms, Tips and advice

How to save on gas and electricity bills when you work from home - FreeAgent

Over the last few months, we have shared several blogs about working from home. From technology and WiFi to health and well-being. Here we have a few tips on how you can reduce your homeworking costs as we head into the winter.

Claim Gas & Electricity

Our energy bills are normally based on us commuting during the week with a two-day weekend. According to Ofgem, it is now costing us on average an extra £3.50 a day. However, did you know you can claim up to £6 a week back. The simplest way is to claim back cash through your tax, as not all employers offer it. Click here for more information: This is a saving of up to £62.40 annually.

Switch utlities

Normally, if you switch suppliers, you will get a better deal, sometimes the small saving may not be worth it. But if you are working from home until next Spring, switching may be the best option. Some companies also offer incentives like cashback. It is important to keep in control of this, and while we don’t want to overpay, do ensure your account is in credit to cover the extra winter fuel costs.

Change your light bulbs

As we are in this for the long haul, it is a good opportunity to change to LED bulbs, while the initial outlay can seem expensive, in the long run they will pay for themselves! They also use 90% less energy than traditional bulbs.

Watch your on-line spending

We have all been there – trust me! It is wet and miserable outside; you see an advert – 50% OFF and end up buying something you don’t need. If these ads are tempting, then unsubscribe. Of course, we all need a treat, but this can all add up.

Further reading:-

Tips for better WiFi at home

Top Tips for home working